Library Academic Consultant Panel

The purpose of the Library Academic Consultant Panel is to

  • work in collaboration with the Library on relevant service and process changes, in order to consider any impact on academic and research staff
  • feedback and discuss academic needs in relation to Library services

Terms of reference


  • To work in collaboration with the Library on relevant service and process changes, in order to consider any impact on academic and research staff
  • To feedback and discuss academic needs in relation to Library services


  • Library Academic Experience Lead & Library Experience Lead [Co-chairs]
  • One representative from each academic school of the University (Library Academic Consultants)
  • Members of the Library Leadership Team and other Library colleagues will attend as appropriate for the agenda

Frequency and format of meetings

  • Up to 2 per year (one in Semester 1 and one in Semester 2)
  • Meeting format will be dependent on the topic discussed.


Library Academic Consultants

Library Academic Consultants are academic members of staff who are appointed within their schools to:

  • work in collaboration with the Library on relevant service and process changes
  • advise the Library about appropriate communications with academics about Library developments and services
  • feedback and discuss academic needs in relation to Library services

Role of the Library Academic Consultant


The purpose of the Library Academic Consultant role is to:

  • work in collaboration with the Library on relevant service and process changes, in order to consider any impact on academic and research staff
  • advise the Library about appropriate communications with academics about Library developments and services, e.g. methods, timing, processes
  • feedback and discuss academic needs in relation to Library services

Each school is encouraged to have at least one Library Academic Consultant.

Activities include

  • responding to consultations:
  • one-off emails or surveys about small changes
  • contributing to or feeding back on medium-term developments such as process changes around trials of digital resources
  • representing the schools on a consultative group for longer-term projects, e.g. reading lists system replacement or discovery system changes
  • attending academic consultant panel meetings
  • up to 2 per year (usually autumn & spring) o to feedback to the Library, academic views on current Library services and indicate future needs (both research and teaching)
  • meetings will be co-chaired by the Library’s Academic Services Manager and User Services Manager


Workload allocation for the Library Academic Consultant is the same as agreed for the Library Liaison Officer role - see Appendix 3 Administrative tasks

Term of office

Each LAC is selected within the school and serves for a period of 3 years, which can be renewed in agreement with the school and Library. 


School Library Academic Consultant and Academic Librarian

School Library Academic Consultant Academic Librarian
School of Architecture, Building and Civil  Engineering Dr Andre Jesus E. Roberts
Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Business School Dr Clare Ravenwood K. Halliday
School of Aeronautical, Automotive, 
Materials, Chemical Engineering
Dr H Xia  C. Shipley
School of Science (Comprising
Chemistry, Computing Science,
Mathematics and Physics)
Dr Thomas Bartsch C Greasley 
Wolfson School of Mechanical and 
Manufacturing Engineering
Dr R Edwards C. Shipley
School of Design and Creative Arts Dr Martin Maguire B Whetnall
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences Dr Oonagh Markey N Rush
School of Social Sciences and Humanities Dr Sara Read J De Lillo (English, and Communication & Media)

S Reid (IRPH, and Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy)

B.Whetnall (Geography and Environment)