Festival of Ideas: Transitions

The world faces unprecedented transitions with increasing speed and impact, and at every level: individual, social, cultural, environmental and political. While some planned, designed or governed transitions can be tolerated or are even desired, sudden disruptions cause uncertainty, unpalatable stasis or even regression. Intellectual work, focused on long-term thinking and support for co-existence in transitional contexts is urgently required by academics and the public. 

The IAS Festival of Ideas: Transitions brings together scholars, activists, artists, and the wider University and local communities, to critically examine crucial transitions and pave the way for more informed, cross-disciplinary thinking for change. 

The Festival of Ideas: Transitions is led by Dr Ines Varela-Silva; Dr Gemma Witcomb; Dr Rachael Grew and Professor Hilary Robinson.

Please see the full festival programme by downloading a PDF copy below

IAS Festival of Ideas: Transitions
16-27 May 2022
Festival Programme

Transitions Event Recordings

Transitions Media Resources

Image of the visual concept for the Festival of Ideas - Transitions
Festival of Ideas - Transitions - Visual Concept

Transistence: The Politics of Trans Representation

As a precursor during 2021, we were delighted to co-host an event with RADAR on 25th May 2021, where artist Raju Rage was joined by IAS Visiting Fellows Zachary Dubois and Alpesh Patel, in the panel discussion ‘Transistence: The Politics of Trans Representation’. For further information: