19 May 2016

University to host conference on ethical standards of banking

Since the onset of the global financial crisis, there have been many examples of banks and their employees falling below expected standards of behaviour. The high salary levels of senior banking executives have caused ethical concerns, particularly in cases where salaries have been paid despite customers feeling dissatisfied with services and products they have been sold.

This two-day event will hear from a range of experts, researchers and practitioners working on banking ethics and culture, with the aim of improving understanding of the issues involved. It will include discussions about what responses both banks and policy makers can make to achieve better outcomes.

The conference, which is being run with support from the Bank of England and Chartered Bankers Institute, will look at an overview of issues and will involve panel discussions to examine culture change in banks and promote better standards of behaviour.

Discussions will centre on twelve research papers, which will be presented over the two days, looking at a range of topics including bonus caps, deferrals and bankers’ risk-taking and, incentives, ethics and culture in financial institutions. , Boston College (USA), will provide a key note presentation at the close of the first day.

The conference will take place in the Clyde Williams Building (Day 1) and the Sir Richard Morris Building (Day 2). Tickets are priced at £60 - £120.

For further information on the event, please  or contact Ruth Cufflin.

 to book your place.