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Proposed Programme: Part (A, B etc for UG programme): Examination Continuous Assessment (weighting and length, where appropriate) Module CodeModule TitleMod WtSem* Opt/ CompExamEssayLaboratory Write-upReportPresentationCase StudyProjectCAAIn-class testsOther**% module assessment that is group/ teamwork  XXC123Laboratory Skills 20 1 + 2 C  1 x 40%  1 x 10% 1 x 50% 3000 words 40% XXC124Project Mgment 10 1 C 1 x 20% 2hrs 1 x 25% 1500 words 1 x 55% 55% XXC125 Product Design 20 2 C2 x 20% 3000 words each1 x 60% proto- type  * For each programme part, list compulsory modules before optional modules. Where a large number of optional modules are proposed the assessment information on these modules can be indicative only. ** Where the % module assessment that is group/teamwork is 50% or above, the following should be completed in relation to these modules:  An element of individual/peer assessment is included Yes No (If No, an explanation is required) Signature (January 2008)         j l w x ˽~jYjYjYjYjYjEjEjE&hShh%5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hShCJOJQJ^JaJ&hSh5CJOJQJ\^JaJ"hLh!5CJOJQJ\^Jh!5CJ\#h%h 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hLh 5CJOJQJ^JaJhLhLOJQJ\^JhLOJQJ\^JhL5OJQJ\^Jh 5OJQJ\^JhSh 5OJQJ\^J       ' j k  p@ P))$Ifgdh% $IfgdSgd gdL$a$gd \ik l x >5555 $IfgdSkd$$Iflִ@z 6=: 6    4 laytMw + , - . / 6 A H I L M S Ff d$IfgdS k$If]kgdS $IfgdS $IfgdS ) * + , - . 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