Regulation XXI

Postgraduate Awards

(Version effective from 1 August 2022)


1. This regulation applies to all modular programmes offered by the University leading to the Degree of Master (excluding First Degrees), as designated in Ordinance IV, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate and, where appropriate, postgraduate level modules being taken by students not registered on programmes.

2. In this regulation, Dean of School shall be taken to include any nominee of the Dean of School agreed with the Academic Registrar.

3. This regulation is to be read in conjunction with Programme Specifications which state the particular requirements for each programme.

General Requirements

4. In order to qualify for an award, students must have:

4.1 Registered as students of the University in accordance with Ordinance I and Regulation IX. For the purposes of paragraph 3 of Ordinance I, the examinations approved by Senate are the examinations described in the General Entrance Requirements which are shown in Appendix 1 to these Regulations;

4.2 Registered on appropriate modules specified in the Programme Specifications for their programme and in accordance with Regulation IX;

4.3 Have accumulated, within the period specified in these Regulations or any shorter period specified in Programme Specifications, sufficient credit for the award by satisfying the University in the module assessments prescribed for their programme;

4.4 Fulfilled all other requirements as may be made in the Programme Specifications for their programme;

4.5 Paid all tuition fees owed to the University in accordance with Regulation XVI.

Structure of Programmes

5. Programme Specifications shall include a listing of the constituent modules for the programme and shall specify the rules for module selection for each exit award.

6. Where Programme Specifications permit a choice of modular options, a student's selection of modules will normally be subject to approval by the Programme Director or other academic staff member of the School responsible for the programme. Optional modules will not necessarily be offered every year.

7. Module Specifications shall be published which for each module shall include information on:

7.1 its aims

7.2 its intended learning outcomes

7.3 its content

7.4 its level

7.5 the semester in which it is offered

7.6 its modular weighting

7.7 the methods of teaching and learning and assessment

7.8 prerequisites for studying the module

7.9 its availability

8. Students shall have registered for a modular total assessed over a maximum period of time which shall depend as shown on the intended qualification:

Award Modular Weighting
Degree of Master modular weighting of 180 in not more than six years
Postgraduate Diploma modular weighting of 120 in not more than four years
Postgraduate Certificate modular weighting of 60 in not more than three years

Please note: The above maximum registration periods are applicable to all new cohorts commencing a programme from 1 August 2020. The longer maximum registration periods referred to under paragraph 8 of the version of Regulation XXI effective from 1 August 2018 to 18 June 2019 will be applicable to all cohorts commencing a programme before 1 August 2020.. 

9. Where a student has not completed the required modular weighting within the maximum period of time in accordance with paragraph 8 hereof, the next scheduled Programme Board will terminate the student’s studies and determine their eligibility for a lesser award in accordance with paragraph 53 hereof.

10. All students shall register at the beginning of each academic year for the modules which they are taking in that year but are not eligible to register for modules if all tuition fees have not been paid in accordance with Regulation XVI.

Module Assessment and Module Marks

11. In order to be eligible for credit from the assessment of any module, students must have:

11.1 Registered on the relevant module before the deadline published by the Academic Registrar;

11.2 Satisfied any requirements for the assessment as stated in the Module Specification.

12. Assessments shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Regulation VII.

13. Modular credit corresponding to the weight of the module will be awarded to each student who achieves a Module Mark of not less than 50%. Module Specifications shall detail each individual assessment element, its classification as a coursework or examination assessment and its relative weighting towards the overall coursework or examination mark (hereinafter referred to as component marks). Module Marks and marks for individual assessment elements and component assessments shall be shown and recorded as whole numbers. For each student, the average percentage mark (hereinafter referred to as the Module Mark) for each module shall be determined by reference to the component marks, weighted in accordance with the Module Specification.

14. Provisional Module Marks may be published prior to being approved by the relevant External Examiner but must be approved prior to being considered by a Programme Board.

15. Provisional Module Marks as calculated in paragraph 13 hereof shall be published by the Module Leader and may be altered only by:

15.1 The Programme Board or Review Board acting in accordance with paragraph 23 hereof

15.2 A Mitigating Circumstances Panel acting in accordance with paragraph 12 of Regulation XVII.

15.3 A Minor Academic Misconduct Committee or Academic Misconduct Committee acting in accordance with Regulation XVIII.

16. Where students transfer between programmes in accordance with Regulation IX, unless the Dean of School responsible for the new programme approves the transfer of Module Marks from the old programme, all existing Module Marks shall be disregarded in the context of the new programme, even where there are modules in common to both programmes.

Programme Mark, Merits and Distinctions

17. For each student, the Module Marks (as defined in paragraph 13 hereof) awarded for every module (capped in the case of second attempt module assessments in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49 hereof) will be weighted in proportion to the relevant modular weight and used to determine the Programme Mark. Where a student is awarded a Postgraduate Diploma or a Postgraduate Certificate in accordance with paragraphs 31.4 and 31.5 respectively, the Module Marks from all modules attempted shall be included in the calculation of the Programme Mark. Programme Marks shall be shown and recorded as rounded to one decimal place.

18. Requirements for awards shall be as follows:

18.1 Degree of Master - a total modular weight of 180 consisting of a minimum of 150 credits and Module Marks of not less than 40% in remaining modules with a weight of up to 30

18.2 Postgraduate Diploma - a total modular weight of at least 120 consisting of a minimum of 100 credits and Module Marks of not less than 40% in remaining modules with a weight of up to 20

18.3 Postgraduate Certificate - 60 credits

19. Students who meet the requirements for an award shall be eligible for a merit or distinction in the following circumstances only:

Award Credits/Programme Mark
Degree of Master 180 credits, a Programme Mark of not less than 60%
Postgraduate Diploma 120 credits, a Programme Mark of not less than 60%
Postgraduate Certificate 60 credits, a Programme Mark of not less than 60%
Award Credits/Programme Mark
Degree of Master 180 credits, a Programme Mark of not less than 70% 
Postgraduate Diploma 120 credits, a Programme Mark of not less than 70%
Postgraduate Certificate 60 credits, a Programme Mark of not less than 70%

20. At the discretion of the Programme Board, any or all of the Programme Mark thresholds detailed in paragraph 19 hereof may be lowered by not more than 2 percentage points. In such a case, the revised threshold(s) shall be applicable to all students under consideration by that Programme Board.

Programme Board Powers

21. Programme Boards shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXII and shall have the following powers delegated by Senate:

21.1 To consider recommendations from viva-voce panels instigated in accordance with the provisions of Regulation VII and determine appropriate actions in accordance with paragraph 23 hereof;

21.2 To determine whether students have met the requirements for the award on which they were originally registered or for a lesser award and determine the classification of pass, merit or distinction in accordance with paragraph 19 hereof;

21.3 To produce and publish pass lists;

21.4 To terminate a student’s studies in their programme.

Review Board Powers

22. Review Boards shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation XXII and shall have the following powers delegated by Senate:

22.1 To confirm Module Marks and the award of associated credit or resit rights;

22.2 To determine which component marks a student may carry forward at reassessment in accordance with paragraph 36 hereof;

22.3 To terminate a student’s studies in a module.

Mitigating Circumstances and Viva-Voce Decisions

23. If in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 21.1 hereof and Regulation VII, a viva-voce panel has been instigated, then, upon receipt of the recommendation from that panel, the Programme Board may:

23.1 For any module that is being taken into account:

23.1.1 Where the student has not submitted a mitigating circumstances claim: increase any of the student's component marks; take no action.

23.1.2 Where the student has submitted a mitigating circumstances claim: where the student was taking the module on a first attempt basis, permit the student to repeat any or all parts of the module assessment on a repeat first attempt basis; where the student was taking the module as a resit (defined in paragraph 33) or as a repeat second attempt, permit the student to repeat any or all parts of the module assessment on a repeat second attempt basis; increase any of the student's component marks; substitute alternative component marks derived from appropriate sources; take no action.

23.2 Award a merit or distinction which would not be awarded as determined by the scheme detailed in paragraph 19 hereof alone.

24. Where a student is permitted by a Mitigating Circumstances Panel to repeat a module assessment in accordance with paragraphs 12.1 or 12.2 of Regulation XVII or paragraph 23 hereof:

24.1 the Module Mark considered for the Module Assessment will be the higher of the original and the new mark;

24.2 the Mitigating Circumstances Panel may permit the student to carry out some further work on an existing assessed piece of work for resubmission.

24.3 Except where the provisions of paragraph 41.1, 41.2 or 41.3 hereof apply, the student shall be given the opportunity to decide whether to undertake repeat first or second attempts in the University's Special Assessment Period and/or during the next academic year. Whilst students are not normally permitted to split their reassessments across different assessment periods, they may choose to take all of their repeat first attempts in the Special Assessment Period, followed by any repeat second attempts or resits in the next academic year.

24.4 Where a Dean of School approves a leave of absence under the provisions of Regulation IX for a student who has been permitted to repeat a module assessment, this will be taken as approval for deferral of that reassessment and the Dean of School shall be required to specify the revised reassessment timescale prior to the leave of absence approval being processed.

Criteria for Awards

25. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation XVI, students who have failed to pay all tuition fees owed to the University may not be awarded any qualification until such time as all tuition fees have been paid.

26. Programme Specifications may specify any or all of the following as additional requirements for an award in accordance with paragraph 4 hereof:

26.1 A minimum Programme Mark;

26.2 A minimum mark in one or more specified modules;

26.3 A minimum mark in unspecified modules up to a specified total modular weight;

26.4 A minimum average mark across a group of specified modules.

27. Students shall normally be eligible for the award of only one University qualification from any particular programme of study. Except where a Postgraduate Diploma or a Postgraduate Certificate has been awarded as a consequence of a student’s studies being terminated in accordance with paragraph 51 hereof, awards may be upgraded by the accumulation of additional credit as follows:

27.1 The Postgraduate Certificate may be upgraded to the Postgraduate Diploma or to the Degree of Master;

27.2 The Postgraduate Diploma may be upgraded to the Degree of Master.

28. The Programme Board may exercise discretion and classify students registered for the Degree of Master who have not met the requirements detailed in paragraph 18 hereof as having passed the programme requirements when all of the following conditions are met:

28.1 The student has already undergone resits. Boards should not condone marks where this would result in the student losing an opportunity to improve their degree classification through resits.

28.2 The module or modules involved have a total weight of not more than 30 credits.

28.3 The module or modules involved normally have a mark of at least 30%.

28.4 The marks to be condoned were not for an assessment in relation to which the student had been found guilty of an offence of academic misconduct under Regulation XVIII.

28.5 The condonement has the approval of the appropriate External Examiner, having regard to national standards in the discipline.

28.6 The reasons for the exercise of discretion are recorded in the Programme Board report

Programme Board Meetings and Pass Lists

29. A Programme Board shall meet and shall receive for each student the Module Marks which are to be taken into consideration. The Programme Board shall determine the classification of each student by reference only to the Module Marks received by each student in accordance with paragraph 13 hereof amended as the case may be in accordance with paragraph 15 hereof.

30. The Pass List shall be signed by those of the following who are present: the External Programme Assessor and the person chairing the meeting, and shall show the names of every student considered, arranged in alphabetical order within each classification group. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation XVI, the classifications of those students who have failed to pay all tuition fees owed to the University will be withheld from the published list until such time as all tuition fees have been paid.

31. Programme Boards shall, for each student that is being considered, and in accordance with the provisions of this regulation, take one of the following decisions which shall be published in the Pass List:

31.1 Pass with Distinction;

31.2 Pass with Merit;

31.3 Pass;

31.4 Fail - studies terminated (awarded Postgraduate Diploma);

31.5 Fail - studies terminated (awarded Postgraduate Certificate);

31.6 Fail - studies terminated (no award).

32. Programme Boards and Review Boards shall report upon their proceedings in a form and manner approved by Senate.

Resit Rights

33. Students who fail to gain credit in a module at the first attempt shall be eligible to take one further reassessment attempt in that module in accordance with paragraph 35 hereof. Module Assessment taken under the provisions of this paragraph shall hereinafter be referred to as a resit.

34. Students are eligible to register for resits following the release of Semester 2 results and subsequently following the release of results for their final project/dissertation and any assessments taken during the special assessment period. Where part-time students opt not to take resits in modules with a mark of 40%-49% at the earliest opportunity, further opportunities for resits will arise in accordance with paragraphs 44-46. 

35. Students who have registered for resits in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 33 hereof may repeat any or all of the modules with attendance, subject to the payment of tuition fees, if the module is available and if they first obtain permission from the School teaching the module. In such a case, students will be required to produce new work in every assessment contributing to the module, notwithstanding any decisions made by a Programme Board or Review Board in accordance with paragraph 36 hereof.

36. The Programme Board or Review Board shall receive recommendations from the relevant Module Leader(s) for each student and shall, for each module, determine which of the student's present marks may without further assessment be carried forward in the re-assessment process should the student choose to repeat the module without attendance. Notwithstanding this decision, students may opt to undergo any component of the module's assessment.

37. Where, at the first attempt, a student achieves a Module Mark of 40% to 49% inclusive in a project or dissertation module, the same piece of work may be revised and resubmitted at reassessment as a resit.  Except where the provisions of paragraph 35 or 36 hereof apply, new work shall be completed by the student for reassessment.

38. Any student permitted to repeat any or all parts of a Module Assessment on a repeat first attempt basis, in accordance with paragraph 23 hereof, or paragraph 12 of Regulation XVII, may also be permitted, although not obliged, to concurrently repeat other Module Assessments as a resit.  Where a student exercises this option, further second attempt Module Assessments may become available, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 33 hereof, once the final Module Marks for all first attempt Module Assessments are known. Where a student exercises the right to complete Module Assessments on a first and second attempt basis concurrently in the same module. 

38.1  The module will be recorded as a second attempt, but second attempt Module Assessments may become available in the Module Assessments repeated on a first attempt basis only, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 38 and 33 hereof.

38.2  The resit fee will be charged on the full credit weight of the module.

38.3  The Module Mark will be capped in accordance with the provisions in paragraph 49 hereof.

Reassessment Registration and Timing

Full-Time students

39 Students who wish to undergo reassessment must by a date designated by the Academic Registrar complete a reassessment form and must pay the required reassessment fee. The Academic Registrar may permit late registration for individual students and in such cases may require payment of a late registration fee in addition to the reassessment fee.

40. Reassessment shall normally take place no later than during the academic year immediately following that in which the original attempt occurred.

41. Except where the provisions of paragraphs 41.1, 41.2 or 41.3 hereof apply, the students may choose to take reassessment in the Special Assessment Period and/or in the academic year immediately following that in which the original attempt occurred.

41.1 Students can undertake a maximum of 60 credits of reassessments and flexible first or second sits in the Special Assessment Period.

41.2 Where module specifications exclude individual modules from reassessment in the Special Assessment Period.

41.3 Where module marks have not been confirmed by a Review Board.

42. Where a Dean of School approves leave of absence under the provisions of Regulation IX for a student who has outstanding reassessment rights, this will be taken as approval for deferral of reassessment and the Dean of School shall be required to specify the revised reassessment timescale prior to the leave of absence approval being processed.

43. Where a Dean of School permits reassessment to be deferred (in accordance with paragraph 42) for more than one year, the student must be registered for the module with attendance and pay the associated fees. 

Part-Time Students

44. Students may choose the academic year in which reassessment takes place. Where reassessment takes place later than one academic year after the academic year in which the original attempt occurred, the student must be registered for the module with attendance and pay the associated fees.

45. Except where the provisions of paragraph 45.1 or 45.2 hereof apply, students may choose to take reassessment in the Special Assessment Period immediately following the academic year in which the original attempt occurred and/or in an academic year following that in which the original attempt occurred.

45.1 Where module specifications exclude individual modules from re-examination in the Special Assessment Period.

45.2 Where module marks have not been confirmed by a Review Board prior to the Special Assessment Period.

46. In accordance with paragraphs 45.1 and/or 45.2, reassessments in some modules may be excluded from the Special Assessment Period in any given academic year.

Special Assessment Period Timing

47. The Academic Registrar shall determine and publish the dates of a Special Assessment Period each year falling between the end of Semester Two and the beginning of the next academic year.

Resit and Repeat Second Attempt Outcomes

48. Failure to attend, or submit work for, a resit or repeat second attempt for which a student has registered will result in a mark of zero being recorded for the assessment component concerned.

49. Where students have registered for resits under paragraph 33 hereof, the percentage marks obtained from the resits will supersede those received for earlier assessments for the purpose of determining Module Marks. The Module Mark resulting from resits or repeat second attempts will be capped at 50% for the purpose of determining the Programme Mark in accordance with paragraph 17 hereof.

50. In order to be awarded a degree following resits or repeat second attempts, and where a student meets the requirements of paragraph 28, the Programme Board will normally take into account the mark from an earlier assessment where this would allow a student to meet the required level of performance in that module. In accordance with paragraph 49 hereof, the percentage marks obtained from the resits will continue to supersede those received for earlier assessments for the purpose of determining the Module Marks and in the calculation of Part and Programme Marks.

Termination of Studies

51. Where a student has failed to gain credit in a module after resitting or a repeat second attempt, a Review Board will normally terminate their studies in that module.  The only exception to this rule shall be where the student is permitted to take repeat second attempt assessments in accordance with the provisions of paragraph hereof or paragraph 12.2 of Regulation XVII.

52. Where a student’s studies in one or more modules have been terminated in accordance with paragraph 51 hereof, and it is not, as a result, possible for the student to meet the requirements for their main qualification aim, the student may be eligible for a lesser award and hence the following action will be taken:

52.1 Where a student is not already eligible for a lesser award and undertaking any further modules or assessments for which the student is eligible would not enable them to achieve one, the Programme Board will terminate the student’s studies in the programme and no award will be made.

52.2 Where a student is already eligible for a lesser award, but undertaking any further modules or assessments for which they are eligible would not enable them to upgrade their lesser award, the Programme Board will terminate the student’s studies in the programme. 

52.3 Where a student can still achieve or upgrade a lesser award by undertaking further modules or assessments for which they are eligible, students will be informed of the qualifications for which they may still be eligible and permitted to continue their studies.

53. Where a student’s studies in the programme are terminated in accordance with paragraphs 9 or 51 hereof, the following scheme shall be applied to determine whether the student is eligible for the award of a lesser qualification:

53.1 Where a student has accumulated 100 credits and Module Marks of not less than 40% in further modules with a weight of 20, they shall be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma.

53.2 Where a student has accumulated 60 credits, they shall be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate

Abandonment of Studies

54. Students who have failed to gain credit in a module at the first attempt, and who fail to register for reassessment by the published date and who have not been permitted to defer reassessment in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 42-43 hereof may be deemed by the Academic Registrar to have abandoned their studies and the student's registration will be terminated.

55. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation IX, any student who fails to register as a student of the University by the published date at the start of each academic year may be deemed by the Academic Registrar to have abandoned their studies and the student's registration will be terminated.


56. Students who register for any module are expected to attend the relevant timetabled sessions at the University or at any other location where such sessions are held unless a special arrangement has been agreed by the Dean of School responsible for the module.

57. Students who wish to suspend their studies for good cause may apply to their Dean of School for Leave of Absence in accordance with the provisions of Regulation IX.

Aegrotat Degrees

58. This paragraph applies to students who have been registered for a degree, and have gained at least 120 credits, or to students for whom the relevant School has made a case that the student has completed work equivalent to at least 120 credits. Where such a student has been prevented from obtaining a degree as a result of illness or other sufficient cause, they may apply in writing, or in exceptional circumstances have a written application made on their behalf, to the Senate for the award of an aegrotat degree. The Senate may award such a degree upon the recommendation of the relevant External Programme Assessor.