
Department of Materials

Postgraduate taught

"Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é has widened my perspective on many things, starting from the microscopical level all the way up to how I view the world on a larger scale."


Year of Study: 2019-2020
Qualification(s): MSc

Martin has recently completed his MSc in the Department of Materials. Here, Martin explains how his programme helped him to develop an interest in biomaterials and how he could take this into a future career.

"I was working as a production manager in a plastics and rubber retail/processing company in Estonia (Plastok OÜ) and wanted to expand my knowledge in the scientific side behind these materials  – to find out how the molecular level affects the properties and therefore its possible applications. I had done my bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, so I have always had the desire to find out how things work. The MSc course in Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é really stuck out from others and the application went very fast – I started the process in July and in September I was already here. Besides, my friend was also starting her studies in a sports science related area in Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é as well, so it was easier for me.

The teaching quality at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é is very good – there are people with experiences from the scientific society as well as from the industry, which makes the gathered knowledge versatile. As I didn’t know what to expect, I was actually quite surprised about all the learning facilities in the Department of Materials and throughout the University, the campus is enormous. Laboratory classes in STEMLab and in the LMCC have definitely given a very good practical experience next to the theoretical studies.

Everybody in the department is always supportive and no question remains unanswered. Me myself am more of a self-learner and try to find my own solutions, but I know that other people have made use of the different possibilities available in the University, i.e. help with software from the IT desks in the library or help with maths from the Maths Learning Support Centre.

Ideally I would like to go on to set up my own company, either in Estonia or in the UK, possibly in the 3D-printing manufacturing business. During the year in Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é, I have also developed an interest in biomaterials and using them to be of help to people in the biomedical sector such as in tissue engineering. In the longer perspective I would like to combine these two and develop Bioprinting to a level that would be available to everybody in need.

In terms of deciding whether to study at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é, it is a “no-brainer”, you will not regret. Once here, my advice would be to take part of as much activities as possible, because Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é has a lot to offer and the year passes very quickly. Search for extracurricular lectures happening in the evenings and join a sports club.

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é has widened my perspective on many things, starting from the microscopical level all the way up to how I view the world on a larger scale.

My greatest achievement is the sum of the whole year – developing as a person and gaining valuable knowledge, also most probably graduating with Distinction."