Enquirer's data

This includes the personal data of those individuals that have expressed an interest in studying at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é. Data may have been collected as a result of attendance on an open day, a request for a prospectus, attendance on an outreach event etc. Most of this data will be held centrally, in corporate systems, however, some data may be held as a result of local enquiries made to Schools and Services.

Data location

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system (owned by Marketing and Advancement)


Data to be managed centrally in corporate systems, as specified by Data Location. Where data is held locally, it is to be disposed of in line with the retention period, in the following ways:

Electronic copies: Deleted and double deleted from local locations.
Hard copies: Disposed of using the confidential waste process.

All data

Fields Data retention period

  • Name(s) Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • DOB Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Gender Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Address (home) Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Telephone number Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Email address  Year of entry indicated + 1 year(UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Domicile  Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Communication history Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Event attendance history Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)
  • Subject interest Year of entry indicated + 1 year (UG)/ + 2 years (PG)